National Council for Educational Technology
The Council's purpose is to bring beneficial
change to the processes of learning in education and training through the
development and application of educational technology.
Educational technology - or learning technology, as it is sometimes known - embraces everything from
the war computers, satellites, and interactive video are used in schools colleges, and industry to issues of copyright and flexible learning. Focusing on the learner, our purpose is to support change in the ways we learn by applying the benefits of educational technology - especially the new information technologies – to the process of learning.
We design and produce learning materials in all subjects to support education and training. We carry out research and manage projects, offer consultancy on technical matters support training for trainers and teachers, and offer expertise in areas such as open and flexible learning, resource management, and educational software. We provide a comprehensive information and enquiry service.
Information Technology in schools:
Through its I.T. in Schools Programme, NCET's Schooling Directorate is pursuing four priorities:
to identify and promote and spread good
practice in the use of new technologies.
· to provide professional guidance to teacher trainers so that they can help teachers and schools in managing I.T. and in applying it to all areas of study.
· to develop high-quality curriculum materials and encourage other publishers to do the same.
to give particular support for those
concerned with children and young adults with special educational needs,
including the handicapped.
Learning after schooland at work:
NCET's Training Directorate focuses on the needs of those wishing to learn after the school -
leaving age. Projects under the Vocational Training Programme include looking into the training needs of women, older workers, and those who use information technology to work from home. In further education, lecturers and senior managers are being helped to plan for I.T. and changing client needs. For industry, our work has included language training in the run-up to 1992, and the application
of artificial intelligence systems to training. This directorate also takes the
lead in important trans- sect oral issues such as open and flexible learning, copyright,
and the use of computers in careers guidance.
Technical expertise:
Keeping abreast of developments in technology and maintaining a national expertise on standards and specifications is the work of NCET's Technical Consultancy Directorate Through links with other organizations, it identifies issues associated with the adoption of new technologies and, where appropriate, carries out projects to assess or develop their potential in education and training. It has a watching brief and provides consultancy on new and developing technologies such
as satellites, CD-ROM, and interactive video. Current projects involve the examination of the use of educational software in schools, the use of massive storage systems, and the use of satellites in education and training. The Directorate also produces guidance to users on a wide range of technology, from desk-top publishing and remote sensing to teleconferencing and audio-visual
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